Blades by Type

Industrial Razor Blades

Industrial Razor Blades

An industrial razor blade is a small, thin, sharp knife typically used for slitting materials such as plastic film, foil, thin non-woven materials... Razor blades are very thin (0,1mm - 0,4mm) making them ideal to slit through thin materials as they generate a minimal amount of friction.

Industrial Razor Blades

Industrial Pelletizer Knives

Industrial Pelletizer Knives

Pelletizer knives or granulator knives are small, thick, sharp knives used for pelletizing materials such as plastics and rubber. They are often used to recycle plastics back to pellets. These can then be used in plastic extrusion creating recycled plastic film. In many extrusion and converting production sites Plastic Pelletizing Machines are used to recycle the residue plastic that is created during the extrusion or converting process.

Industrial Pelletizer Knives

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